Peace of Mind When You’re On Holiday

Peace of Mind When You’re On Holiday

You want to relax fully on holiday, so here are some tips to help you beat the burglar.

  • When travelling, do not leave your home address visible on luggage tags. If possible use your workplace address instead.
  • On long winter nights as well as before you go away, set outdoor lights to operate with motion detectors and indoor lights on a timer.
  • Lock up wheelie bins and ladders so that they cannot be used to scale fences or reach windows.

Unfortunately even the most secure home is not immune to a really determined thief, so the following advice may prevent you losing out heavily in the event of a claim when you would have to prove both that you owned the stolen items and their value:

  • Walk round your home and video your belongings. Without labelling the file with your address, upload it to the cloud or leave a copy of the file offsite (in case of fire) at a relative’s property, in the bank or with your broker.
  • Ensure that jewellery and other valuables are regularly valued by a manufacturing or wholesale jeweller, not a retail jeweller.
  • Review your insurance policy wording to check that you are complying with all policy warranties and requirements.
  • Don’t lock internal doors. Do as much as you can to protect the perimeter of the house, but if a burglar gets in, locked internal doors won’t deter him, it will just result in more damage.

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